All Aboard with the Admiral!: Thames River Crossings - Queen Elizabeth II Bridge...

All Aboard with the Admiral!: Thames River Crossings - Queen Elizabeth II Bridge...

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Good start to the holiday and it only got worse!

JHaving survived Emma's high speed drive to Ebbsfleet we discovered that our connection in Paris for Nechatel was cancelled owing to industrial action. Charlie had warned me, but my search that morning showed that the train was running. I tried to find an alternative via the SNCF website but this proved unsuccessful so had to wait until we arrived at Gare de Lyon.

As for the trip on Eurostar this year we travelled in Standard Premier Class, this gives you more room and breakfast and the carriage was noticeable less worn out and shabby. Unfortunately the bloke sitting behind me had verbal diahorrea and anally talked all the way to Paris whilst I managed to pour water all over Beverley.

And so arrival at Gard de Nord, on time and on track, we made our way to RER station. I had planned to purchase four metro tickets so as to save time on the way back. For this purpose I had a ten euro note. Whilst buying the tickets I discoverd the machine did not take notes so I had to use my credit card. Having purchased the tickets we moved on to the platform got a little confused as to which platform but nothing too serious. We arrived at Gard du Lyon in plenty of time to discover that the 11:57 was running but not direct but via Frasne where we had to change. We had a slight problem locating our seats but found them in the end. It was then that I discoverd that my wallet had been stolen. 

Obviously I had been spied taking my wallet out of my rucsac and putting it back in again and somewhere along the route it was lifted and I lost my credit card, debit card and about Swiss Francs 400, together with all my associated membership cards. The biggest problem was trying to report the loss as we could not get connected, after about an hour I manged to complete this task.

Obviously this was a great start to the holiday and left me really down, but hey it could have been worse I normally carry all the money.

I normally enjoy the train journey but what with trying to contact various card copies it was rather spoilt, but having arrived at Frasne we transferred to a local service and this took us through some marvellous countyside of the Jura mountains. We arrived at Neuchatel dead on time at 15:56 and were duly meet by Barbara and Charlie to be taken to their apartment and a very welcome drink, one of many over the course of the evening, whilst we enjoyed the marvellous views across Lake Neuchatel to the Alps. By the way Beverley brooms are used for sweeping not for playing music!

Things are beginning to take on a better complexiation and I can now start to, enjoy my holiday!

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