All Aboard with the Admiral!: Thames River Crossings - Queen Elizabeth II Bridge...

All Aboard with the Admiral!: Thames River Crossings - Queen Elizabeth II Bridge...

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Oliver Cromwell comes to town and steams off to Seaford - 7 June 2014

It's the 150th anniversary of the steam railway between Brighton and Seaford and to celebrate the event a steam train is running from London Victoria to Seaford departing at 09:45 scheduled to arrive at 11:52 and then will return via Brighton and Eastbourne. It's been a popular charter train so much so a second one is scheduled for tomorrow. For something like £180 you can travel in style, first class Full English on the way out and three course Dinner on the way back.

Oliver Cromwell at Victoria Station
So what did I do, I did the cheap-scape option took the train to Victoria and watched Oliver Cromwell arrive, hauled into the station by a Class 33. Oliver Cromwell is a lovely big engine, a Standard Class 7 Pacific, also known as a Britannia.  A few enthusiasts  had gathered to view the arrival. I tried to get up close but as you would expect the platform around the engine was full of travellers all doing what I wanted to do snap the engine.

I moved on to Herne Hill where the charter was due to pass through at 9:55. As I was walking up the platform a young man with his young son and wife asked me if I was here to see the steam train, I think he was rather relieved when I said yes as there was no one else here to see it.

I took up my position at the end of the platform and the charter arrived almost immediately, it must be early, and indeed it was as it stopped just outside the station for a couple of minutes long enough for me to get soaked as the heavens opened just at this point. When the engine re-started there was a huge release of steam and it continued on its way.

Weather permitting "we" intend to go down to Seaford tomorrow to see the arrival should be good, I know Beverley, Sarah and Flosi are all looking forward to it!

See my video of Oliver Cromwell arriving at Victoria and passing through Herne Hill:

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